How it works

The Power of Dual Code Reading

The Reading Switch is a five level, dual code reading program which steps the learner through the core building blocks of learning to read.

Our innovative dual code reading program effectively bridges the learning gap for children with both diagnosed and undiagnosed reading difficulties.

The Program is suitable for primary school age children who are familiar with the letters of the alphabet, able to identify each letter by sight, and have knowledge of the basic sound each individual letter can make.

Each level contains easy to follow instructions and learning guides, Word Decoding Exercises and level appropriate Readers.

The Reading Switch puts the needs of the learner at the heart of every stage of the program.

Understanding the strengths and weaknesses that underpin dyslexic thinking, has enabled us to build a system that effectively bridges the learning gap, enabling consistent layering and progression of reading skills.

The Reading Switch puts the learner on the path towards reading fluency. 

Read more about The Reading Switch Program and it’s lesson format here.

"My six year old son struggles with reading and comprehension in the classroom. The Reading Switch code system is making his reading more enjoyable and less of a struggle, as he is now recognising his own progress."
Catherine - Mother and Former School Teacher

Learning at your child’s own pace
We understand that learning takes time and can differ from child to child especially when reading difficulties are involved. The Reading Switch enables your child to move through the system at their own pace.

Five levels of structured learning
Each level walks the parent and their child through the core building blocks of learning to read in a systematic and explicit way. Each level of learning is underpinned by a child’s prior knowledge acquired through the use of our visual phonics program. This ensures a scaffolded approach to building and reinforcing solid phonics based reading skills.

Each Level is broken down into lessons.
The Reading Switch Program consists of 95 sequential lessons across five levels of learning.

"I am a primary school teacher and a parent. I have seen the benefits of The Reading Switch firsthand after using it with my son. I was very impressed with the effectiveness of the ‘codes’ and how quickly he picked it up. Suddenly reading started to make a lot more sense to him. I would recommend this program for any parent who wants to assist their child in their reading journey."
Phil - Primary School Teacher and Father

Word Decoding Exercises
Each lesson has been carefully formulated with words grouped together with the same vowel sound to create enough exposure to letter sound
patterns to enable more efficient processing to occur in the long term memory. This simple yet highly effective method occurs with light repetition over a series of days.

This process gives the learner the opportunity to practice and reinforce a single vowel sound whilst giving them the challenge of using their reading skills to decode words within that vowel sound family.

Visual Phonics System
The Reading Switch method helps children with learning difficulties process and retrieve phonological information faster and in a way that is less taxing on their working memory. With the aid of our visual phonics system to tap into the visual memory, children are able to make the connection between letters and sounds more rapidly making the learn to read process a lot easier. By using this method, key learning outcomes can be reached during short learning sessions before mental fatigue is reached.



Short Daily Sessions
We recognise that most children tend to have short attention spans and for children with learning difficulties the window for learning is often shortened due to processing difficulties and cognitive overload and fatigue. It is for these reasons that we have devised a reading program that is short in length, calculated to provide the most effective learning outcomes.

Word decoding sessions take no longer than 5 minutes to complete. As your child becomes more familiar with the visual phonics system, not only will their reading abilities increase, they will also be able to work through the exercises at a faster and more efficient rate. The learner only needs to work through the Word Decoding Exercise words once per session.

It is recommended that sessions be held twice daily – once in the morning and once in the afternoon if possible to achieve the most effective learning outcomes.

Mom and children call animals from educational cards
African kid running on the beach while playing with wood toy airplane - Focus on face
Reading Exercises and Stories Learning how to read begins with the ability to recognise letters, make connections to sounds and decode words. Learning how to decode words is the first step, and for many children with reading difficulties this can be quite a tiring and overwhelming process. Nonetheless, from the very outset of learning to read, children need the opportunity to build their word decoding knowledge and word reading skills as well as having time to practice what they’ve learnt with words that are familiar (and some that are not) in simple sentence form eventually building up to more complex stories. The Reading Switch provides level appropriate reading exercises and simple stories within each level with the aim of boosting the readers confidence and reading ability.

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