The Reading Switch puts the needs of the learner at the heart of every stage of the program. Understanding the strengths and weaknesses that underpin dyslexic thinking, has enabled us to build a system that effectively bridges the learning gap, enabling consistent layering and progression of reading skills. The Reading Switch puts the learner back on the path towards reading fluency.
We have re-imagined phonics so that it plays to the strengths of the dyslexic learner whilst supporting the weaknesses. The Reading Switch taps into the power of the visual memory through the use of our intuitive dual code reading system.
The program is carefully sequenced and purposely presented to harness dyslexic strengths such as big picture thinking and pattern detection skills.
Program Suitability
The program is suitable for primary school aged children who are at below expected or at risk of falling below the expected standard for reading in their year level.
Program Pre-requisite
Upon commencing this program, we recommend that your child be familiar with the letters of the alphabet, able to identify each letter by sight, and have knowledge of the basic sound each letter can make.
Program Format
The Reading Switch is a five (5) level, dual code reading program which is delivered online. The program consists of over 100 sequenced lessons. Each level consists of instructional guides, Word Decoding Exercises and level appropriate Reading Exercises. Each level concludes with a Sight Word Challenge.
Learning exercises provide a consistent format throughout the program, giving students a level of comfort and familiarity with the learning materials. Lessons are displayed in an online flipbook format.
The program introduces students to the core building blocks of learning to read in an explicit and systematic way. As the student progresses through the program, the words and letter sound patterns contained within each level increase in complexity.
Lessons are specifically designed to be short in duration to accommodate fleeting attention spans and maximise learning outcomes.
For optimal learning outcomes, we recommend The Reading Switch Program be used twice a day at least 5 days per week.
Scope and Sequence
Levels 1-3 of the program focus on developing reading skills with a base of short and long vowels and adding silent letters, consonants that make more than one sound, consonant blends and digraphs, double syllable words.
Levels 4-5 introduce more complex vowel sounds and letter patterns.
The program is designed to be used with the assistance of a supportive adult to facilitate the learning sessions. Your child can work through the system at their own pace. Lessons can be repeated as many times as needed.
Lesson Contents
Each Lesson contains the following:
- Lesson Tutorial.
- Practice Words and Word Decoding Exercise
- Reading Exercise
Lesson Tutorials
Short Tutorials are included at the beginning of each lesson which enables parents to walk their child through key learning concepts required to complete each lesson. Each Tutorial concludes with a minimum of two practice words. See example video from a Lesson Tutorial below.
Word Decoding Exercises
Word decoding exercises within each lesson contain up to 30 words, focus on one vowel sound and take no longer than 4 minutes to complete. As students become more familiar with the program, this exercise will further reduce in time.
Visual codes are used in the initial stages of word decoding and can be removed within a matter of days once the learning has been achieved. Both coded and uncoded Word Decoding Exercises are included.
Each time new content is added (eg new Visual Codes and their sounds) a video tutorial will introduce and explain everything your child needs to know to complete the lesson.
The Reading Switch Dual Code Reading Program makes the rules of phonics visible to the student through the use of visual codes. (See example page from a coded Word Decoding Exercise for Long Vowel ‘a’ below).

Word decoding pages have been purposely designed to reduce visual stress enabling a simplified screen environment to maximise learning outcomes.
Practice Words have been included at the beginning of each Word Decoding Exercise. This gives your child the opportunity to warm up and connect with the lesson content before going on to complete the word decoding exercise.
See example Practice Word and Word Decoding flipbook below. Use the arrows at the side of the screen to turn the page. When you get to the Word Decoding Exercise, follow the prompts and tap on the screen to choose the coded or uncoded reader. When you get to the end of the Reader tap the screen to return to the first page.
Reading Exercises
Each lesson concludes with a reading exercise that enables the student to put their learning into action. Transitioning from single word reading to sentence reading is an important part of the learn to read process.
Reading Exercises are presented in an easy to use Flipbook Format and can be read as many times as needed. Dual Code Readers give the learner the edge to use their emerging reading skills and build their confidence. Both coded and uncoded Reading Exercises are included.
See an example of one of our Dual Code Readers below.
(Tap on the screen to choose the coded or uncoded reader. Use the arrows at the side to turn the page. When you get to the end of the Reader tap the screen to return to the first page).
How can the Reading Switch Support My Child’s Learning Needs and Processing Style
Our online program uses a specifically designed visual coding system that enables students to establish letter sound connections with ease and presents a different way for this phonetic information to be processed the long-term memory.
Our suite of specially designed visual codes represents the speech sounds within the English language which when overlayed on words enables the dyslexic student to accurately identify letter sound patterns and decode words.
The idea behind the dual code reading system is to make the rules of phonics visible to the student. Instead of relying on the student to remember language-based rules, the student can look at the visual codes, interpret the associated sounds and apply it to the letters to decode a word.
When visual codes are paired with letters, the learning process becomes a more concrete experience for the student.
The visual codes and their letter-sound correspondences are incrementally introduced and consistently reinforced within the system. The more the neural pathways for reading are activated, the stronger the connections for reading become.
Visual codes are used in the initial stages of word decoding and can be removed within a matter of days once the learning has been achieved.
Underpinned by Dual Code Theory, The Reading Switch Program which use explicit and systematic instruction together with a dual code reading approach, can make a considerable difference in helping students with dyslexia learn how to read.
The Reading Switch is a Dual Code Reading Program for Children with reading difficulties often associated with Dyslexia. See our website for more information and register for your free trial today!