Learning to read with dyslexia – The Ultimate Guide
If you’re looking for information on learning to read with dyslexia or how to help students with dyslexia, you’ve come to the right place.
If you’re looking for information on learning to read with dyslexia or how to help students with dyslexia, you’ve come to the right place.
Big picture thinking, the concept of the Alphabetic Principle and why it’s important for the dyslexic student to understand this information when learning to read.
Perhaps it’s time to revisit the alphabet with your child. Where there is confusion, you will often find gaps in knowledge and understanding.
How to move from uncertainty to empowerment – a must read for any parent who feels lost on their child’s ‘learn to read’ journey.
What is Dyslexia? The answer to this question depends on which side of the fence you sit.
Founder of The Reading Switch Mum of Two, Lived Experience, Parenting Dyslexic Thinkers